Here’s the scenario: you’re out with a group of friends, and the subject of resolutions comes up. You might find that your friends are setting high goals for themselves, goals you know you could never achieve. However, they might also be goals they also might not be able to achieve, but instead of bursting their bubble, you smile and continue to be supportive. Yet, it might get you to reconsider just where you stand with your own New Year’s resolutions. The changes to your life and goals you want to implement don’t have to be so far out of reach. There are ways in which to reach your goals, and it all starts with the little things. Despite what you may have been taught to believe, sometimes the small things are just as important, or even more so. You might not realize it at first, but the little things add up when it comes to achieving what you want in the next year and beyond. Read more…
Aging is a natural process, but the hormonal changes that accompany it can sometimes feel anything but natural. For many men and women over 40, symptoms such as fatigue, weight […]
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