When summer is in full swing, trips to the beach and the pool become more frequent and increasingly appealing. However, you may have noticed a select few in swim trunks and a t-shirt and wondered what could possibly cause a man to leave his shirt on in the summer heat. The reasons behind this might not be as simple as you may imagine. Women aren’t the only ones who have to worry about breast health. Surprisingly, some men also have to deal with issues similar to what women face every day. Gynecomastia, or “man boobs,” is a condition that is influenced by many factors, and, contrary to popular belief, isn’t just caused by weight gain. Are you a man who suffers from abnormally large breasts, affecting your self-esteem and your lifestyle in a number of ways? The causes of this condition may surprise you, and treatment options are easier than you might think. Read more…
Aging is a natural process, but the hormonal changes that accompany it can sometimes feel anything but natural. For many men and women over 40, symptoms such as fatigue, weight […]
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