What’s your strategy for maintaining a healthy weight? You might be choosing to exercise your pants off every day to keep your figure down, or you could be following a new diet to help you squeeze into that size down. Or maybe you’re trying to limit the excess calories from your sweet tooth by switching to artificially sweetened foods and beverages. While there are many ways for you to accomplish your goals, when it comes to eating, moderation is always going to be key. This includes advertised “diet” foods that use artificial sweeteners to decrease the calorie count. While it might be tempting to binge on those “zero calorie” foods and drinks, health experts have found that they could actually be making it harder to lose weight—and that they may even cause you to gain weight in the long term. Like everything else, moderation is key to meeting your weight loss goals. Read more…
Low energy and chronic fatigue have become all too common in today’s fast-paced world. Many people feel like they’re running on empty, struggling to meet daily demands. While external factors […]
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