When you complain about how stressed out you are, do people ever suggest yoga as something that could help relieve that stress? If so, you might have brushed it off—yoga’s not going to get you any closer to meeting that deadline at work or get the kids to school on time, right? Besides, how are you going to fit one more thing into your already busy day? But even a few minutes of yoga here and there can have a major impact on your body’s ability to deal with stress—and once you start enjoying the benefits, it’s amazing how much easier it is to find the time for improving your life. Yoga isn’t just a fad exercise, it’s a great way to relieve many potentially debilitating symptoms of stress. Yoga can help balance your stress hormones, it can relieve muscle tension that builds with stress, it can help lower your blood pressure—it can even help with your digestive system. Read more…
Aging is a natural process, but the hormonal changes that accompany it can sometimes feel anything but natural. For many men and women over 40, symptoms such as fatigue, weight […]
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